Meet the minds behind MADE by ME Coaching!

Your health, our shared mission.

We are Meg and Esther, certified nutrition coaches and personal trainers with nearly three decades of combined experience.

Our partnership, forged in a Hawaiian gym, is built on a shared vision to create a coaching experience that goes beyond traditional weight loss methods, addressing the complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors.

Using our proven BioPsychoSocial approach, we offer personalized, comprehensive wellness strategies that seamlessly integrate into your life, empowering you to unlock your full potential and thrive in any environment, especially in dynamic and often unpredictable lifestyles.

As military spouses, we bring a unique perspective to health coaching:

  • Adaptability: We’ve mastered the art of maintaining health routines amidst frequent moves and changing circumstances.
  • Resilience: Our personal experiences have equipped us with strategies to overcome obstacles, which we share with our clients.
  • Time Management: We understand the challenges of balancing multiple responsibilities and can help you prioritize your health within a busy schedule.
  • Global Perspective: Our diverse experiences living in various locations inform our approach to wellness.

Get To Know Us

Esther Avant

With over 18 years in fitness, nutrition, and wellness, Esther excels at translating complex scientific concepts into actionable steps. Her background in behavioral science and experience as a Navy wife uniquely positions her to guide clients through both practical and psychological aspects of their health journey.

Coaching Superpowers:

Simplifying the science of exercise and nutrition, helping clients become aware of, and address, the root issues that have been making consistency hard, creating educational resources

Favorite Food: French Fries

Favorite Movie: Office Space

Favorite Place You’ve Traveled: Nice, France

Favorite Animal: Ostrich


  • B.S. Exercise Science, Boston University
  • Institute of Performance Nutrition (IPN) honors graduate
  • Certified Sports Nutritionist, International Society of Sports Nutrition (CISSN) 
  • Precision Nutrition (PN) Level 2 Nutrition Coach + intern
  • American Council on Exercise (ACE)-certified Healthy Behaviors Coach
  • ACE-certified Personal Trainer
  • Cooper Institute certified Life Coach + intern
  • Girls Gone Strong (GGS) Certified Pre- and Postnatal Coach
  • TRX Suspension Group Trainer

Meg Davis

Meg brings a unique perspective to health coaching, shaped by her experiences as an Army wife, mother of two teenage girls, and diverse fitness background. Her journey includes marathons, CrossFit, bikini competitions, and traditional weightlifting, giving her a comprehensive understanding of various fitness approaches.

Coaching Superpowers:

Working with you to find a sustainable way to prioritize yourself and realize that nothing feels as good as feeling healthy. I want to help you see that health is your greatest wealth.

Favorite Food: Favorite Food: Malasada Pancakes from My Cafe in Oahu or a BAS (Big Ass Salad).

Favorite Movie: Love, Actually

Favorite Place You’ve Traveled: Hawaii…also my favorite place to have lived.

Favorite Animal: Elephants are pretty cool


  • NCI Certified Nutrition Coach
  • NESTA Certified Personal Trainer

Together we offer a unique perspective that combines:

  • Practical, sustainable nutrition and fitness strategies that adapt to changing lifestyles
  • Clear, accessible explanations of the science behind health and wellness
  • Techniques for overcoming psychological barriers to change, including those specific to military life
  • Flexible approaches that accommodate the unpredictability of life
  • A holistic view that considers all aspects of your well-being, using the BioPsychoSocial model.

BioPsychoSocial Model

At MADE by ME Coaching, we guide you towards better health that lasts a lifetime by leveraging the comprehensive BioPsychoSocial Model. Our approach is designed to fit your unique life, helping you make meaningful, lasting changes that enhance both your longevity and quality of life.

BIOLOGICAL: We help you establish sustainable habits through tailored exercise and nutrition plans. When necessary, we incorporate tools like GLP-1s to reduce distractions and cravings, allowing you to focus on making healthier choices more easily.

PSYCHOLOGICAL: We address the mindset needed for lasting, meaningful change. Our coaching includes techniques to manage stress, build resilience, and enhance mental well-being. We help you develop alternative coping strategies beyond food, such as mindfulness practices, engaging in hobbies, and seeking social support.

SOCIAL: We provide tools to navigate the social aspects of health and weight management. We ensure you have the skills to maintain your health goals even in challenging social contexts, helping you build a supportive environment and manage social influences.

By integrating these aspects, we empower you to not only achieve your health goals but also maintain these changes for a healthier future. Our personalized approach helps you build a life that’s not just longer, but feels better every day.

It’s time to invest in your most valuable asset – your health—let’s protect that investment together.